Canadian Association for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

2022 AMMI Canada-CACMID Annual Conference

Thank you to all Delegates, Sponsors and Exhibitors who participated in this years Annual Conference.

The conference platform, including all the posters and session recordings, are available to all who registered and attended the conference, until June 31, 2022.

Do you collect CME Credits? The CME credits form can be found by clicking here

Final Program


Congratulations to the all the award recipients.

Merit Awards

AMMI Canada Lifetime Achievement Award – Fiona Smaill & Scott A. Halperin

AMMI Canada Distinguished Service Award – Geoffery Taylor & Daniel B. Gregson

John G. Fitzgerald – CACMID Outstanding Microbiologist Award – Lorne Tyrrell

CCM Distinguished Microbiologist Award – Marc Desjardins

CFID Dr. John M. Embil Mentorship Award in Infectious Diseases – Craig Lee

CFID Dr. Juan A. Embil Award for Excellence in Infectious Diseases Research – Jennifer Losie

Association Awards

AMMI Canada New Investigator Award – Nadine Kronfli

JAMMI Trainee Published Manuscript Award – Alice Zhabokritsky – Manuscript: Association between initial symptoms and subsequent hospitalization in outpatients with COVID-19: A cohort study

CFID Undergraduate Summer Research Grant – Subin Park

ALTONA Diagnostics Canada Medical Student Research Award – Julia Luo

AMMI Canada Medical Student Research Award – Julia Cahill

VERITY/CFID Travel Award in Infectious Diseases – Jason Zou

Dr. Susan King Paediatric Abstract Award – Sandra Isabel

AMMI Canada – CACMID Annual Conference Student Poster and Oral Award

AMMI Canada Poster Award – Guadalein Tanunliong – SP11: Age-associated seroprevalence of antibodies against six human coronaviruses: Population-based sero-surveys in 2013 and 2020

CACMID Poster Award – Aidan Nikiforuk & Christina Wong – SP05  Performance of Immunoglobulin G Serology on Finger Prick Capillary Dried Blood Spot Samples to Detect a SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Response – SP60  Assessing the limit of detection of Candida auris using Micronostyx Colorex Candida Plus agar and polymerase chain reaction

CACMID Student Oral Presentation Award – Rand Al Ohaly – A04: A comparison between EMR and paper-based health records in time to administration of first dose of IV antibiotics

CCM Poster Award – Katya Douchant – SP43: A commensal bacteria derived protein protects mice from Clostridioides difficile disease in vivo

CCM Dr. Kemmeth Rozee Memorial Poster Award – Keilin Gorman – SP22: Procedure Development for Biofilm Growth from Multi-Drug Resistant Clinically Isolated Bacteria

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Planning Committees

Central Planning Committee (CPC)

Tanis Dingle
Sarah Forgie

Scientific Planning Committee Co-Chairs
Susan Poutanen
Robert Kozak

Carmen L. Charlton
Andrew Simor

Sponsorship Committee Co-Chairs
Jeff Fuller
Shariq Haider

Abstract Co-Chairs
Christian Lavallée
Christopher Lowe

Committee Members
Carmen L. Charlton
Agatha Jassem
Todd Hatchette
Deborah Yamamura

Scientific Planning Committee (SPC)

Susan Poutanen
Robert Kozak

Committee Members
Agatha Jassem
William Connors
Esther Nagai
Melanie Di Quinzio
Samir Patel
Ramzi Fattouh
Vanessa Tran
Valentina Russell
Jennie Johnstone
Danielle Brabant-Kirwan
Christian Lavallée
Farhan Khan
Christopher Lowe
David Patrick
Peter Pieroni
Earl Rubin
Joanne Salmon
Yoko Schreiber
Prameet M. Sheth
Glenn Patriquin
Marthe Charles
Philippe Lagacé-Wiens
Catherine Hogan

Sponsorship Committee

Jeff Fuller
Shariq Haider

Committee Members
Dwight Ferris
Don Vinh
Titus Wong
Deborah Yamamura  


Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Canada
The Quebec Association of Infectious Disease Microbiologists (AMMIQ)
L’Association des microbiologistes du Québec
British Columbia Association of Medical Microbiologists (BCAMM)
Canadian Association for Immunization Research, Evaluation and Education​
Canadian College of Microbiologists (CCM)
Canadian Foundation Infectious Diseases (CFID) Canadian
Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP)
Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS)
Canadian Thoracic
Critical Care – Infectious Diseases Network (CCIDN)
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID)
L’Association des microbiologistes du Québec
Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR)